How to Get up after Falling
March 17, 2008

Falling or failure is something natural to happen in our life, especially to our business. It is, as a matter of fact, a kind of test for us to get promoted to a higher level of life or business. As it takes place at school. Every time we want promotion, we need to take a series of tests. Avoiding the tests will surely abandon our chance from promotion.
To a businessman or an entrepreneur, experiencing falling is a bitter thing. A business which has been established with full of spirit, sweat, capital, energy, dream, and sacrifice ends up in vain, just in a minute. As a result, it drags our passion down to the brink of desperation.
Does falling end the chance to succeed?. As mentioned previously, falling or failure is just a test to level up our degree. The more falling we experience, the more successful we will be. Just like a ladder, the more ladders we step on, the higher lever we will reach. But, how to make ourselves realize the good lesson behind our falling and so we can get up again?.
Some tips to get up after falling are as follows:
1.Be sincere
Being sincere is a weapon to encounter any of ordeals. By being sincere, we can control our anger or frustration and let go of all grudges. Sincerity stimulates us to realize that all we own is just a consignment from God. There will be a time God takes it back. Above all, sincerity leads us to acknowledge that everything in the world is just temporary.
2.Be honest
Honesty is the best policy. By being honest, we dare to admit that not all the steps we have taken have been based on a good and comprehensive planning. Perhaps, when we started the business, we did it on emotional push rather than the rational one. We, at that time, just wanted to show off to our colleagues that we had a capacity to have a business. We did not really take a comparative study of the business we chose. Being honest, therefore, will lead us to evaluate all what we have done for a better future step.
3.Be optimistic
Being optimistic leads us to always have a hope. It supplies dreams we can fantasize. Optimism is a very important trait we have to have in life because optimism will always energize us to continue our life tour. So, when falling happens, optimism pulls our knees to get up.
4.Be open-minded
Open-mindedness enables us to always welcome any idea or input from others. Being open-minded makes us always learn and realize that the more we know, the more we don’t know. Just like drinking sea water, the more we drink, the more we don’t drink. Learning is very important for a businessman or an entrepreneur to update the knowledge about how to run, manage, or better the business.
5.Be generous
Being generous means being ready sharing with others. As mentioned in point 1, all we have in our life is just consignment from God. And there is a part in it that belongs to others that we must share, be it in the form of money, knowledge, skill or support. The more we share with others, the more God gives to us and the easier our life will be.
posted by mcDamas @ 8:29 AM,