March 22, 2008
Living a good, prosperous and enjoyable life is everyone’s dream. Having such a life enables us to develop our self-potency maximally. Moreover, it opens our opportunity to get adequacy of education, security, or job. But, not all of us can grab such a good life easily.
Amidst the scarcity of job opportunity bringing about the high increase in unemployment, poverty and criminality, having an idea of migrating abroad is just natural. It is our right to live anywhere we want. It is also our right to get a good life; the life that is actually to be the government’s job to provide so. Migrating abroad is an alternative solution to making our right come true.
A big number of people from developing countries in the last two decades have fled from their home countries to bet their life abroad. Some of them become unskilled migrant workers, others are as skilled workers. As a matter of fact, the migration of the skilled one is time after time getting increased. They even go abroad not only to get a job but also to seek status of permanent residents.
Such a phenomenon, known as “brain drain”, worries many developing countries. It causes the low availability of skilled human resources which at later stage hampers the process of the country’s development. However, the brain drain occurs as the proof of a country’s failure in providing the citizens with a good life. So, choosing to migrate from our home country does not mean being lack of nationalism. Our individual future is more important than just waiting for bleakness.
If we think that migrating is the best option to consider (as Prophet Muhammad had modeled that migration is the best choice to better the life), the following preparations are just as important to do:
1. be skilled immigrants
2. take legal procedure as it will guarantee our legal status
3. choose legal agents to process our application
4. do not forget to equip ourselves with English as it is the language of the world
5. never ever try to fake or manipulate our data
6. be convinced or optimistic that a better life is awaiting
7. visit the embassy of the country we want to migrate to for reliable information
If we think that it’s a good option to take, why not we migrate!SOONER, BETTER.
posted by mcDamas @ 10:00 AM,

Getting a job is identical to having secure life. It is the needs that we must fulfill. As Abraham Maslow had formulated the “Five Hierarchies of Human’s Needs”:
1.Needs for Survival
2.Needs for Security
3.Needs for Social Acceptance
4.Needs for Self-esteem
5.Needs for Self-actualization,
having a job belongs to the second hierarchy after fulfilling the needs for survival. Having a job is a way to guarantee our making ends meet.
In reality, to get a job is not just an easy business. It involves a lot of efforts, be it from the individuals who need the job of the government. Yes, providing a job for the citizens is government’s obligation. However, governments of some countries still find it difficult to do so because of some factors.
One of the factors causing the failure is the missing link between the system and curriculum of education and the qualification needed by the job. This brings about the high rate of educated unemployment. The graduates, on one hand, have completed their education and expect that with it they can enter the job market easily. On the other hand, the skill they get from their education does not match with the needs in the job market.
Another factor is the low sense of sensitivity of government in the matter. When such a condition is going on, government is likely lack of sense of urgency to provide solution. Or government does not have idea of what solution they can offer to cope with the problem. Government does not think that updating the paradigm of education is urgent. If providing education used to be the tool to combat illiteracy, doing so now is to prepare citizens to be ready with global era.
The private sectors actually have notified that for the sake of being abreast with the rapid change in science and technology, the IT savvy graduates are much in demand. The education institutions, however, still can not produce such graduates since the facilities to support so is inadequate. As the result, the graduates who are seeking a job are those who actually are not well-prepared.
The other factor is society’s character of being dependent. The society resorts their life merely to government. It brings about low creativity or curiosity in society to develop their selves. People tend to take easy majors which require easy effort to graduate. In addition, when applying for a job, they prefer the job requiring clerical skill to the one requiring tech-skill.
Realizing such a matter, as a graduate with mediocre skill, we do not need to be down-hearted being unable to get a job in the formal field. We still can create a job in informal field. Moreover, if we create a job for ourselves, at the same time we can open job opportunity for others. It’s more honorable than just being educated jobless persons.
posted by mcDamas @ 9:49 AM,