April 06, 2008

It may be ridiculous when we find a country we have struggled and sacrificed our life and soul for can not guarantee us to live our life. Upset and frustrated of course, especially when we realize that such a disability is caused by corruption-ridden government and mismanagement. As the result, the haves get richer and the haves not get poorer. Migrating overseas may be a logical idea that we can take into our consideration.
As a matter of fact, the number of citizens seeking better life overseas is year by year getting increased. They flee there taking all family members along not only to find a job but also to be permanent residents. Migrating overseas is not such a big deal to do. It has turned out to be business as usual. Every citizen finds it easy to do so as long as he or she has a will, a strong will. (Shown in the photo, friends of mine who have migrated to Australia).
If we belong to this group of citizens wanting to live our life overseas, the following ways for the matter might be inspirational for us:
1.We can migrate overseas on our own, meaning; we process everything by ourselves and on our own fund. To help us with all legal procedures, however, we can contact or consult to an agent or solicitor. The following agencies can be our first contact to get information relating to what we should prepare for migrating overseas:
a.Monster Agency or MigrationExpert for seeking jobs or migrating to Canada
b.World Migration Agency for migration to any country all over the world
c.OverseasEmigration for migrating to Australia, New Zealand, or England.
2.If we do not have such a capacity to process things on our own, we can take other options like joining Diversity Visa (Green Card program) organized by the US Government. This is a program to permit immigrants from all over the world to be USA permanent residents. Every year, the US government offers 50,000 green cards. If we are interested, we can register to agencies at USAFIS, or USAGC. The agencies list us for the green card program with annual listing fee of US$49 – US$60.
3.If we want the free of charge listing, we can visit Green Card Official Website or contact the nearest US embassy. The entrance is open in August or September.
Interested? Just give it a try!!!
posted by mcDamas @ 11:50 AM,